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Emergency Aid: Les Cayes, Haiti

We partnered with Wilfrid Mesadieu to prepare emergency relief for displaced people in Les Cayes affected by the recent 2021 Haiti earthquake. RISE by Sundara sponsored the construction of a water distribution kiosk, providing clean and accessible water to over 1,000 people.

As a result of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake, the local water sources have been damaged and contaminated, forcing the local communities to walk long distances to collect dirty water. Through our partnership, we constructed a system to transport water from a mountain which will then be treated and distributed to the local community.

Photos include: The mountain where people were collecting water from and Wilfrid testing the water kiosk.

A community member, Mevita Joseph, extended her gratitude to Wilfrid and RISE by Sundara’s supporters for supporting suffering communities. She talked about the power of clean water and hopes that more communities around the world are able to benefit from the same support ‘water is life’.

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